Diterbitkan oleh LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia sebagai media publikasi hasil penelitian. JMApTeksi terbit tiga kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April, Agustus dan Desember, dengan tujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian, pengkajian, dan pengembangan bidang Software Engineering (Software Design & Architecture, Software Quality, dan Software Construction ICT), System Intelligence (Soft Computing, Computational Intelligence, Baset & Expert System, Robotic), Database Development (Data Mining, Data Werehouse, Database Administrator, dan Web Designer) dan Network & Security (Security Management, Network Programming, Network Administrator & Management, Analysis Design & Simulation, Internet Of Things).


Soft Computing

  1. Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics
  2. Computational Intelligence
  3. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  4. Intelligent Computer Aided Manufacturing
  5. Intelligent Database Systems
  6. Information Retrieval and Text Analytics
  7. Intelligent E-Learning
  8. Intelligent Financial Analysis
  9. Intelligent Forensic Anthropology
  10. Medical Informatics
  11. Pattern Recognition

Information System and Technology

  1. Applied Operations Research
  2. BioStatistics
  3. Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
  4. Decision Support System
  5. Design Science and IS
  6. Digital Economics
  7. E-Business Management
  8. E-Education
  9. Electronic and Mobile Services
  10. Financial Systems Modeling
  11. Information and Knowledge Management
  12. IS Education and Learning
  13. IS Implementation
  14. Mobile Business
  15. Risk and Compliance
  16. Risk Management in E-Business
  17. Social and Human Behavior in IS
  18. Governance
  19. Social Innovation
  20. Human Computer and Interaction

Information Assurance and Security

  1. Cryptography
  2. Cyber Threat Analytic Intrusion
  3. Detection/Prevention Systems
  4. Digital Forensic
  5. Information Disaster & Risk Management
  6. Information Security & Management
  7. IoT and Wireless Sensor Security
  8. Malware Detection
  9. Network Performance, Analysis, Design and Simulation
  10. Watermarking & Information Hiding Web Filtering

Software Engineering

  1. Agile Software Development
  2. Application Development
  3. Dependable Embedded Real-Time Systems
  4. Intelligent Software Systems
  5. Model Driven Architecture
  6. Real Time Software Engineering
  7. Real Time Big Data Application
  8. Software as Service
  9. Software Construction
  10. Software Maintenance and Evolution
  11. Software Modeling and Specification
  12. Software Product Line
  13. Software Quality and Testing
  14. Software Usability and Reusability


Current Issue

Vol 6 No 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-08-01


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